Diversity Training Programs
Let Our differences MAKE a difference in the world™
We realize that attendees may feel overwhelmed to transfer their learning to the work setting, as they have been exposed to too much information and a variety of problems and issues, but may not feel able to translate their understanding into concrete action. All training programs are designed to assist participants in formulating specific plans to use new attitudes, knowledge and skills professionally and organizationally after the training. Plans of action and road maps blue prints are offered at the end of each training course to shape the way to application.
Diversity Training
Our styles to diversity training addresses it from three levels: Legal, Human & Socio-Psychological approaches where non-discriminating laws are visited, as well as focusing on cultural awareness to understand why various cultures have adopted the different traditions that support their ways of living are explored, and examining our own beliefs, values, and behaviors
Our courses promote a synthesis of knowledge and experience in these areas to allow the level of awareness to be raised.
Our courses are not solely based on compliance rather on sensitivity as human being dealing with another.
Diversity training is not the nice thing to do but the proper business thing to do as it affects the productivity, performance and revenues of the organizations.
Examples of Diversity Training
Diversity 101
Building Diverse teams
Diversity and Business Etiquettes
Diversity and Business Ethics
Generational Diversity
Gender Diversity
Unconscious Bias
Culture Competence
What does Diversity mean?
Benefits of Diversity
Interpersonal Skills Training
Since every culture acts, behaves and believes differently people do whatever make sense to them even if it doesn't make sense to others.
Interpersonal Skills training is about how to best deal with different styles and behaviors with the dignity and respect everyone deserves
Training courses examples:
Cross Cultural Competence
Increase interpersonal Skills
Cross-cultural Communication
Conflict resolution
Problem Solving
Decision making
Stress Management
Effective Communication Training
Leadership Training
Cross-Cultural Leadership is an important item these days.
Beside the business acumen, leaders need to have cross-cultural competence skills to be able not only to compete butt make sure that their organizations have the edge they need in this world of globalization