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Social Media Niche Markets

Using Social Media in Scientific Research

Sahar Andrade, MB.BCh was commissioned to present this workshop at Cal State San Bernardino

While most people think that Social Media is Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ and may be LinkedIn. It is way more than that. To succeed using Social Media you need to set your goals and think about what you need to use Social Media for.

You need to have a strategy that fits within your whole marketing plan. Always remember that Social Media Networking is all about Social Media Marketing and we are all a Brand that we need to position no matter what we do.

Social Media Networking is not only for businesses but it can be used in many special niches, like Legal, Medical, Accounting, Recruiting and Scientific Research fields

It is recommended that you use Niche Social Media networking to reach a specific set of audience that represents your target market, it can bring you the best results you can expect as your message is zoomed towards like-minded people that want to hear or actually are eager to get it as they share the same core values and interests of your field.

Here is an example of applying Niche Social Media Networking for Scientific Research.

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